
Life after "Brexit"
Les Matinales - 24 novembre 2016
One of Theresa May’s first statements after succeeding David Cameron as Prime Minister was ‘Brexit means Brexit’, but what it will mean in practice is far from certain. The modalities and the consequences remain uncertain, except perhaps that uncertainty has a cost.
Africa - the new manufacturing hub?
Cycle Afrique - Les Matinales - 13 octobre 2016
Over the past forty years, industry and business interests have moved increasingly from the developed to the developing world. Yet, with the emergence of East-Asia as a manufacturing powerhouse, Africa’s share of global manufacturing has fallen from about 3 percent in 1970 to less than 2 percent in 2014. Traditional concerns such as infrastructure, skills, and governance are important, they alone will not be sufficient for Africa to industrialise.
La Chine et son nouveau plan quinquennal
Le 13° plan quinquennal chinois (2016-2020) est une étape importante dans la 3° phase de la réforme visant à parvenir à « une société modérément prospère ». L’analyse du plan permet de dégager les priorités et de les relier dans une transformation du régime de croissance.
Rich People Poor Countries: The Rise of Emerging-Market Tycoons and their Mega Firms
Cycle Emergents - Lunch Box - 15 septembre 2016
A new and proliferating crop of billionaires is driving rapid development and industrialisation in poor countries. In her book Rich People Poor Countries, Caroline Freund identifies and analyses nearly 700 emerging-market billionaires whose net worth adds up to more than $2 trillion.
MENA: The economic consequences of the wars
Cycle MENA - 28 juin 2016
On top of human losses and physical destruction, conflicts in the MENA region have caused recessions, inflation, worsened fiscal and financial positions, and damaged institutions. There are also powerful spillovers on neighboring countries.
The reform of Chinese State-owned Enterprises : where do we stand?
Cycle Emergents - 29 janvier 2016
As the Chinese economy is slowing down, regaining momentum seems strategic. In September 2015, the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council announced a new proposal on SOEs reform.
L'impact économique des sanctions commerciales
Les Matinales - 20 janvier 2016
Le coût des sanctions pour le pays qui les érige peut être négligeable lorsque le pays ciblé est relativement petit. Mais ce n’est pas le cas des sanctions mises en œuvre à l’encontre de la Fédération de Russie, suite à son intervention en Crimée, en 2014.