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Life after "Brexit"
Thursday 24 November 2016, 9h00 - 10h30,  75007 Paris 

Chaired by Sébastien Jean, Director of the CEPII


  • Iain Begg, Professorial Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science

  • Thierry Mayer, Scientific Advisor at the CEPII, Professor in Economics at Sciences-Po and Fellow at CEPR


One of Theresa May’s first statements after succeeding David Cameron as Prime Minister was ‘Brexit means Brexit’, but what it will mean in practice is far from certain. The modalities and the consequences remain uncertain, except perhaps that uncertainty has a cost. A first is the formal article 50 process, still to be triggered, no later than the end of March, but the UK will also have to negotiate new deals with the EU and with other trading partners. The talk will also discuss the ramifications for the UK and for the rest of the EU. Iain Begg who had warned us about such a possible outcome a year ago will share with us his views on the current stage of the process. His analysis will be complemented by the presentation by Thierry Mayer of a more detailled and quantitative study on the possible consequences of Brexit for the automobile sector.


"Brexit, Trumpit, ... : vers la fin des accords régionaux ?"​

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