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Recovering from the pandemic and transitioning to a better future: France in the European context
Mardi 8 mars 2022, 14:00 - 15:15, visioconférence

Séance présidée par Christophe Destais, Directeur adjoint du CEPII


  • Jeffrey Franks, Chef de mission pour la France, Fonds monétaire International

  • Michel Aglietta, Professeur émérite de Sciences économiques, Université de Paris-X Nanterre ; Conseiller scientifique, CEPII et France Stratégie


Téléchargez la présentation (réservé aux membres du Club)

Jeffrey Franks


The French economy was one of the hardest hit by the COVID pandemic, but it has also recovered more quickly than most in Europe, with employment and GDP both above their pre-crisis levels by the end of 2021. Strong policy action by the government has been one of the drivers of this robust response. Now, however, French policymakers need to begin thinking about two major challenges for the medium- and long-term:  i) how to deal with large debt and high deficits aggravated by the crisis; and ii) how to help France handle the digital and green transitions, which require large shifts in the structure of the economy and major investments in both people and technology. The presentation outlines the IMF’s analysis on how France handled the crisis along with their recommendations for the future.

Cette séance se tiendra en français et en anglais.

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